Lights of Love at TAH

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The Lights of Love is in its 44th year! The late Martha Grandin was instrumental in bringing the program to Titusville. The Auxiliary began the Lights of Love in 1988 with the hope that it would become a project with special meaning for those who participate as well as for the community during the Christmas season.

Through multiple levels of donations, area residents can express their love, honor, and appreciation for those they care about by making a donation to the Auxiliary during the month of December to have a light placed on the tree outside the hospital.

The donations are used by the hospital auxiliary to purchase equipment and other needs for the hospital patients. The Lights of Love annual project is the major fundraiser for the Auxiliary.

Donations may be made to the Lights of Love, Titusville Area Hospital Auxiliary.

A SPECIAL thank you to the community of the Titusville area. The people always make this traditional project a great success.

The tree will be lit each evening during the month of December. May the beauty of the season bring you peace and contentment.

Barb English, TAH Auxiliary Member/Co-Chairperson

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